Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ive been busy as well today. Im crocheting away I am over half way done with the Convelesent homes items for Christmas:)
I went on Craigs list and found some yarn to buy. Im really excited about it all. There is alittle over 200 skeins of yarn Im thrilled. She is asking 200.00 for the lot. Im going to check it out tomorrow.
We have a new president and Im praying that it all goes well. The Lord is in control so Im happy.
The weather here has been awesome. Its just now starting to get chilly. I love the fall its so cool and crisp.
Everyone around here is working so I decided to order Thanksgiving dinner from Marie Callender. Terry found out that he has to be a work around 3 that day so its just going to be him and I for dinner. And I dont have to do any cooking. Thats going to be weird thats for sure.
Im starting to collect boxes for the move. Abbea says she has a bunch I want to get started packing so Ill be ready for it when it comes.
God has been so good to me and I praise Him for it all. Thanks.


CrochetWithDee said...

Oh, you yarn lover you! You'll have to share a picture of your 200 skeins of yarn so the rest of us can enjoy it too! :)

It's crisp (and damp at the moment) here in CT -- but the maple tree leaves are the most awesome red right now; stunning!

Anonymous said...

Sherri, are you ok? miss your posts!