Friday, June 01, 2007

New crocheter arises

Heres a pic of my oldest grandchild Alex. She is learning to crochet. She loves it she says. I dont know if that is for my benefit or if she really likes it or not:) But my hopes is she likes it to continue on. I have taught all 3 of my grandkids to crochet now. I dont have a pic of them but I will take a pic soon. I love it they are trying to learn. The other two I have taught to knit as well. They seem to like crochet better but you never know what they will gravitate to next.

Alex was very pleased that she learned to do a chain stitch and a single crochet then attemps at double crochet too. Im going to teach her next to make a ganny square. I think once she learns to do a square she will be hooked like me:) heehee

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