Saturday, May 12, 2007

Looky! Looky! what I received in todays mail:) A NOSTE!
Its one of Jimbos Nostes he makes. You can go check out Jimbos hooks and nostes over at his site Jimbo's Front Porch. You will fall in love with his hooks. I know I have. I have several of his hooks and just love them. Go check his site out often. He is always putting up new hooks made from really great woods.
I couldnt wait to try it out as you can see I attempted to try and this is what I came up with:) Its not pretty but its my first try making my own ball of yarn using the noste. Just thought you might like to take a gander at my new toy:) Yipee!


Monet said...

Love your work!! Oh and Congratz on the Jimbo Noste! I love his stuff and own 2 hooks myself! :)

Sônia Maria said...

Your blog is one love.
Sônia Maria